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Top 5 Eye Health Tips for Perth Residents: How to Keep Your Vision Crystal Clear

It is easy to become caught up in the busyness of life and forget to keep up with essential health care exams. Regular eye care is an example of this. Often, people only visit their eye doctor when they experience a problem. Perth residents are fortunate to have access to skilled optometrists who can help maintain good vision.

You do not need to struggle with problematic vision. These five tips can help you achieve and maintain excellent vision.

Your vision can quickly deteriorate if you don't take care of it, leading to a host of problems including decreased quality of life and even blindness.

Tip #1: Importance of Regular Eye Exams

You mustn’t skip regular eye exams even if you have no vision issues. Periodic exams establish a baseline regarding your vision and are instrumental in detecting vision problems and maintaining eye health. Many vision problems discovered early in a routine exam have a greater chance of successful treatment than if the same issues are treated after symptoms occur.

Youth Eye Exam Frequency Chart

Age Range

Birth to age 2: Exam between 6 and 12 months old
Age 3 to 5 years old:  At least one exam between age 3 and 5
Age 6 to 17 years old: Before first grade and every year after that

Adults Eye Exam (with no vision problems) Frequency Chart

Ages 20 to 39: Every 5 years
Ages 40 to 54: Every 2 to 4 years
Ages 55 to 64: Every 1 to 3 years
Ages 65 and up: Every 1 to 2 years

Adults with vision problems or are considered high risk for vision problems should have annual eye exams unless the doctor says otherwise.

Groups considered high-risk include:

  • Family history of eye disease
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses
  • Previous eye injuries or eye surgery (including cataract surgery)
  • A visually demanding or hazardous job (computer programmer, firefighter, mechanic, welder, etc.

Tip #2: Nutrition and Eye Health

Proper nutrition is essential for healthy bodies, including healthy eyes. While there are numerous supplements available, your best bet is to get these directly from the source.

Many nutrients are vital to your eye health. These include:

  • Vitamin C – Helps the blood vessels in your eyes. Found in many vegetables and fruits like red peppers, cauliflower, strawberries, and citrus fruits
  • Vitamin E – Helps slow age-related macular degeneration and prevent cataracts. Found in seeds, nuts, and legumes
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids – These help your retinas function, slow the progress of macular degeneration, and help decrease dry eye. Found in fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and trout
  • Beta Carotene (Types of Vitamin A) – Helps your eyes adjust to the darkness and improves night vision. Found in orange-coloured fruits and vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, mangos, and apricots
  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin (Types of Vitamin A) – These antioxidants protect your eyes from harmful free radicals
    Found in broccoli, squash, and Brussels sprouts

Related Reading: How Nutrition Impacts Eye Health

Eating foods that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants can help keep your eyes healthy.

Tip #3: Protective Eyewear in Western Australia’s Climate

Exposure to UV light contributes to eye diseases, including cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. The Western Australian climate can enhance the risks to your eyes. Be sure to wear Australian Standard 1066-rated sunglasses when you are outside. Prescription glasses often come with a coating of UV protection. If yours do not, ask for it to be added.

Blue light is another source of potential harm to your eyes. While some come from the sun, more significant amounts of blue light are emitted from the screens of computers, tablets, and smartphones. Blue light is linked to eyestrain and headaches. You can wear special glasses made to reduce blue light when you are in front of a screen and adjust your screens to reduce the amount of blue light.

Tip #4: Digital Eye Strain Prevention

As our reliance on computers, smart devices, and gaming systems continues to grow, our eyes are paying the price for all of the time spent in front of screens. The frequent usage of digital devices is the leading cause of Digital Eye Strain. Digital eye strain typically results in sore or tired eyes, blurry vision, dry eyes, headaches, and neck or shoulder pain.

While avoiding screen time is not an option for several people, there are ways to reduce or prevent digital eye strain.

  • Reduce time in front of a screen, if possible, or take frequent breaks. Even closing your eyes for 20 or 30 seconds can help
  • Adjust the brightness of your screen so it is similar to your surroundings
  • Adjust the font size on your screen so it is easy to read
  • Use black lettering on white background
  • Blink frequently to reduce the chances of dry eye

Related Reading: A Guide to Blue Light Filters

Tip #5: Eye Hygiene and Avoiding Eye Infections

Eye infections can feel miserable; over time, they can take a toll on your vision. Fortunately, many infections can be prevented; here are some tips to help keep your eyes safe.

  • Practice good hygiene – Thorough handwashing is an excellent way to keep infections away
  • Do not touch your face or eyes, especially if you have not washed your hands recently
  • Throw away old eye makeup- Using old eye makeup invites bacteria to your eyes
  • Clean glasses to reduce a buildup of germs on the lenses
  • Avoid coming into contact with someone who has an eye infection

Gently rub the lenses with an optical quality microfiber cloth (if it's not optical quality then it's probably not suitable for coated lenses), moving in circular motions to avoid scratches.


In addition to avoiding eye strain, protective eyewear, and good nutrition, regular eye exams are vital to great vision. If you notice vision changes or it has been a while since your last eye examination, do not hesitate to contact us at E Eye Place. With over 40 years of experience, our team of experts can keep your vision clear and your eyes healthy. Remember, great vision does not happen by accident. It happens by appointment.

Sweet May hath come to love us,
Flowers, trees, their blossoms don;
And through the blue heavens above us
The very clouds move on.”

– Heinrich Heine, Book of Songs

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