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The Best Low Vision Aids and Technology to Assist You in 2024

Low vision aids are one of the most effective ways to maintain independence and improve your quality of life.

Here, I’ll cover the best low-vision aids and technology that will help you make the most of your vision in 2024 and beyond.

Schedule regular eye exams with an optometrist or ophthalmologist to monitor your eye health and detect any potential issues early.

What Is Low Vision? 

Individuals who have visual impairments that cannot be corrected by contact lenses, standard glasses, medication, or surgery are referred to as having low vision.

Low vision can be the result of aging, eye injury, or an eye condition. Eye conditions that may cause low vision include macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa, and diabetic retinopathy.

Low vision can make it difficult for individuals to perform daily tasks, such as recognising faces, reading, driving, or cleaning.

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What Are Low Vision Aids?

Low vision aids are devices, tools, or technologies that help make objects, signs, print, or faces easier to see. These devices aim to maximise the remaining vision you have.

Low vision aids are an effective way to help individuals navigate day-to-day tasks with confidence, leading to increased independence and quality of life.

The Best Vision Aids and Technology to Assist You in 2024 


Magnifiers are reliable low vision aids that have been used for centuries. A magnifier works by using cameras or lenses to make things appear bigger.

Magnifiers are especially helpful for making text or objects easier to see. There are a variety of types of magnifiers available, each with unique traits.

Types of magnifiers include:

  • Handheld magnifiers (may include a built-in light for added function)
  • Pocket magnifiers
  • Fixed-stand magnifiers (helpful if you struggle with shaky hands and want a hands-free vision aid)
  • Clip-on magnifiers
  • Round-the-neck magnifiers (great for knitting or other hobbies that require the use of both hands)
  • Binoculars (best for distance tasks)
  • Monoculars (can typically be used for near vision tasks and distance tasks)

The type of magnifier that will benefit you most will depend on:

  • The type of task
  • Your vision level
  • How long you’ll be doing the task
  • Whether it is a near or distance task
  • The size of the task

I recommend using the lowest level of magnification possible to complete your tasks. The best way to find the type of magnifier that will be most helpful for you is with a comprehensive vision assessment.

Reading Aids 

Before I get into the best reading aids, I want to stress the importance of proper lighting. Without good lighting, you will still struggle to read, even with great low vision aids.

Well-positioned, adequate lighting can reduce your reliance on low vision aids, put less strain on your vision, and make it easier for you to read with ease.

Along with adequate lighting, here are some of the best reading aids:

  • Reading stands
  • Large print books
  • Reading glasses
  • Audiobooks
  • A high-powered magnifying glass for small print, food labels, or newspaper articles
  • Anti-glare spectacles
  • Lighted reading glasses
  • Magnifying spectacles

Settings on Technology

Technology can be extremely helpful for maintaining your independence as you deal with low vision.

Here are technology settings to consider to help make it easier to navigate daily tasks with low vision:

  • Update your smart home devices to turn on lights, make calls, or control music so you can activate things by voice rather than needing to see buttons
  • Check if your smartphone has features, such as voice navigation commands or magnification options, that support low vision
  • See if your computer, smartphone, or tablet has technology that converts text to audio
  • Check if your tablet can hold large print e-books or audiobooks

Writing Aids for Low Vision

There have been exciting technological advancements in writing aids for low vision.  If you are struggling with trying to write with low vision, I recommend looking into voice-activated options on smartphones and tablets that can help with writing and note-taking.

Other Types of Low Vision Aids

I’ve had many patients report to me that these visual aids have helped them maintain independence in their daily lives:

  • Products that utilise colour contract to make things easier to see
  • Large print products
  • Anti-glare spectacles
  • Oversized products, such as a larger wall clock or a jumbo print calendar
  • Reading stands
  • Talking watches
  • High contrast keyboards with large print keys
  • Task lights
  • Large-print leisure items, such as dominoes, dice, and playing cards
  • Talking GPS navigation

Do’s and Don’ts for Vision Impaired Individuals 

Unfortunately, I’ve seen plenty of misconceptions when it comes to interacting with an individual with vision impairment or blindness.

For instance, have you ever seen someone shouting at an individual who is blind? There’s no need to speak louder to a visually impaired individual unless they also have a hearing impairment.

If you have a loved one in your life with low vision issues or want to know how to be helpful to an individual with vision loss, here are some important considerations:

  • When speaking with a person who is blind or visually impaired, use helpful, descriptive language if you are giving directions (i.e. The object is 4 feet to your left)
  • Speak clearly but don’t shout
  • Identify yourself and use their name when addressing them
  • Use detailed language when describing things, such as landmarks, textures, colours, or shapes
  • If you notice an individual with vision loss who appears to need assistance, ask them if they need help
  • If a person declines assistance, respect their wishes
  • Never pet, grab, distract, or feed a guide dog or service dog — these are working animals who should not be disturbed

If you’d like to learn more about supporting an individual with vision loss, I highly recommend the following resources:

Need Personalised Advice on the Best Low Vision Aids for You? Contact Our Caring Team at the E Eye Place 

Struggling with low vision? Our dedicated team at the E Eye Place aims to make a difference in the local Perth, Fremantle, Shelley, and North Coogee communities.

When you book a consultation with us, we’ll take a comprehensive look at your eye and vision health through an eye exam. We provide customised low vision solutions focused on helping you stay independent and continue enjoying your favourite hobbies, even with conditions such as macular degeneration or glaucoma.

Contact us to book a comprehensive eye exam, ask questions, or learn more about our medical-focused low vision solutions.

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