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Myopia Management

For many years, people have ignored myopia or nearsightedness. But the rapid, continuous growth makes this epidemic virtually impossible to disregard. In fact, it’s estimated that myopia will affect about 50% of the world population by 2050. That’s something to pay attention to, especially because myopia can lead to blindness.

Although it is viewed as a refractive disorder, myopia requires more than just single-vision spectacles. Myopia management has become more crucial than ever. This disease has the potential to cause irreversible vision loss. Take the time to understand myopia and how you can control it on the E Eye Place blog.

Orthokeratology – The Complete Guide: What You Need to Know

Myopathy is reaching alarming numbers across Australia. While it is easy to assign blame for the near-epidemic numbers,…

A Full Guide to Atropine Eye Drops For Controlling Myopia In Youth

If your child has myopia, numerous treatment options can significantly improve your child’s condition. Some ways of controlling…

How Nutrition Impacts Eye Health

Those of a certain age grew up hearing that good eyesight was a byproduct of eating carrots. For…

Do Ready-Made Reading Glasses Harm Your Eyes?

Readers, cheaters, hobby glasses… the standard over-the-counter reading glasses with -1 magnification, are called by many names. These…

The Prescription Safety Glasses Buying Guide

According to Comcare, approximately 50,000 eye injuries are recorded every year in Australia. That’s equivalent to $60 million…

Worse Eyesight and Other Effects of Wearing Glasses: Fact or Fiction?

After an eye exam, your optometrist informs you that you need to wear eyeglasses. That’s exciting! You can…

How to Pick the Right Glasses

Choosing the right glasses does not have to be complicated. However, everyone is different, from prescription requirements to…

The Ultimate Myopia Control and Management Guide: Types of Myopia Control & More!

Are you worried that you child could be myopic? Or are you concerned about your child’s increasing myopia? Over the years, we have developed an advanced understanding of myopia physiology, allowing us to provide suitable treatments for patients with low to high myopia.

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