Start the school year with clear vision and confidence. Click here to book an eye test and improve your child’s learning and success.

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Myopia Control in 2025

In this guide, I’ll cover why sleeping with contact lenses is risky and can lead to serious eye problems.

Can You Sleep with Contact Lenses?

In this guide, I’ll cover why sleeping with contact lenses is risky and can lead to serious eye problems.

What Do Optometrists Look for During Eye Tests

In this guide, I’ll cover why eye health check-ups are crucial for healthy vision and managing common eye conditions. As trusted Perth optometrists for the last 40 years,  E Eye Place can help diagnose and manage a wide range of common eye conditions.

Comprehensive Guide to Colourblind Testing

If you struggle with focusing on your computer screen when working or if your child is experiencing vision-related learning issues, it may be time to schedule an eye test. 

Glasses and Migraines: Do Migraine Glasses Work

If you struggle with focusing on your computer screen when working or if your child is experiencing vision-related learning issues, it may be time to schedule an eye test. 

What Are Polarised Glasses

Eye tests are important for everyone regardless of age and provide vital information for diagnosing and managing a wide range of eye conditions. 

If you struggle with focusing on your computer screen when working or if your child is experiencing vision-related learning issues, it may be time to schedule an eye test. 

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